I'm sitting here trying not to let my family drive me crazy with their various quirks, belief systems and smoking. (How can the family who raised me be so completely different than me? I'm realizing this week that I want to be unlike them as much as (or more than) I want to be like them.) But they're my family, so I put up with it.
Besides, it's Christmas.
Haven't said much about the training. A little less than 5mi Monday, zone 1. Today was suppos

(This is a Jesus donkey - most of the neighbors' donks are Jesus donks.)
Tomorrow? I will try to do my 8-miler, but family comes at 10, and I sleep till around 7 or 8. We'll see what happends - I can always rest tomorrow and do my 8 on Friday, cross-train Saturday and do the 13-miler on Sunday. (Realized I was on a stepback week.)
In other news, I will be doing the Disney Half Marathon in a friend's place in January as my second 13.1 on the way to the 26.2! YEEEE!
Have a wonderful Christmas!
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