Shots! - A Perspective Piece

This is a short perspective piece. Or it's a short piece on perspective.

You see what I did there?

This morning, while giving myself my weekly B12 injection, (I may have missed it last week. Oops.) I started thinking about all the people who get B12 injections for their purported health benefits. This is not a debate or discussion about what the benefits are.  It's just an example to illustrate how 

I think I'll try those B12 shots to lose some weight and gain energy!

Sounds and feels totally different than

I'm so deficient that I have to give myself injections every week!


Shots! Shots, shots, shots shots shots
Shots! Shots, shots, shots shots 
Shots! Shots, shots, shots shots
- LMFAO+Lil Jon

You get the point.  There are probably 5 different ways to approach this.

Saturday is the first tri of the season, and although I'm aiming for some specific goals, a wicked chest cold stopped me from training much last week and a violent migraine slowed me this week.   Texting about this with a friend, I realized that I use the expressions "the good news is" and "on the plus side" so much that my phone has memorized them. So

The good news is

I've done this a few times.  (Next year will be 10 years running and 2017 will be 10 years tri-ing). My first tri, also on this same beach, was when I was SUPER under-trained, a LOT heavier, and a ton sicker.

On the plus side

I may not go out there and blow anyone away, but I'm going to get some valuable racing experience to add to my list. I've learned that how "well" you do in a race is relative to the conditions (other competitors, your health, the weather.)

Funny how racing is a lot like life.
Funny how the same sets of words can have depending on the context.
Or maybe not funny. Depending on your perspective.

0 tidbits of wizdom: