There's a Pussycat Dolls song that goes (pp), "when I grow up, I wanna be famous, I wanna be a star, I wanna have groupies..."
I'm not saying all that, but I do know that what I want to be "when I grow up" hasn't changed all that much. I've always wanted my PhD. And I've always wanted to combine my hobbies with my work.
Before my health shenanigans, I was sure I'd get involved in triathlon and coach someday. Afterwards, I realized that wasn't so feasible. It's almost as if the gods slapped me in the middle of industrial psychology right around that time in order to show me something I was really capable of doing, and well.
But research and teaching positions are both hard to come by unless you're a full-time student. So I never thought I'd make it happen. And competition for a spot at the PhD program I'm eyeing is stiff.
This fall I will begin my post-bach research and teaching in industrial psychology, and my aim is to score higher on the GRE and do two things: 1)earn entrance into a PhD program and 2)combine my loves for education, org development, sports, and research.
It all seems So exciting and So real.
Just like this weekend's race, you never know what you're capable of until you try.
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