It's 10:49pm.
I'm lying in bed staring at the ceiling.
I just finished throwing together some homework and packing most of my stuff.
My heart starts to go THUD THUD THUD. And then all of a sudden I'm like a cross between


(Mostly the former.)
My Tweet to Coach goes something like "!!! FULL TAPER MADNESS IN EFFECT. T-MINUS ZERO MINUTES TO CRAZYTOWN !!!"
His response was: "relaaaaax."
Shortly after that, I did relaaaaax. (Gimme a break. Finals are next week and work is bananas.)
And I feel good. I feel ready. For the race to be over, for finals to be over, all of it. (How's that saying go? Nothin' left but the dance?)
I am looking forward to the trip, the race, and Chrisgiving (Thanksmas?) with my family.
Race day weather: low of 53, high of 69 (good), 11mph winds (good), low UV index (good), cloudy and 20% chance of rain with 81% humidity (blerg.) That was about the condition of my run this morning. MAN was I hoping for some less-humid weather so I could breathe easy and not feel like I'm running in Florida.
But I've done the hard work; I've put in the training. In sun, sleet, rain, 100% humidity, and ear-infected-roller-coaster-vomitous-vertigo. In the end, the weather will be what it will be. In the end, the race will be what it will be.
All I can do is follow some sage advice:
1. Do my best every day as it's the only thing I can control
2. Never worry about anyone/thing else I have no control over
3. Keep being an awesome person and awesomeness will follow.
And get up at earlier than I want to say for an ass'o'clock flight on Friday morning.
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